We love—like, love—TikTok creator @educatorandrea.

She’s funny,  she’s accurate, and, best of all, you can tell she really loves her kids. Even as she roasts them into oblivion.

We’ve featured her before when she imitated English teachers during the week before winter break and expounded on the differences between elementary, middle, and high school teachers. Now, in this season of love, treat yourself to her take on different grade-level teachers on Valentine’s Day.


Get ready for VDay, y’all. #teacherlife #teachertok #teachersoftiktok #teachersbelike

♬ original sound – Andrea

What was your favorite quote? I’ve laid them all out so you can appreciate the artistry here:


Elementary: You asked his mommy to be your valentine? That is so sweet.

Middle: No, you can’t hand out valentines to all the MILFs.

High: I beg of you, stop calling my student teacher “Mommy.” Stop.

Elementary: If you’re bringing valentines next week, make one for everyone in class.

Middle: ASB says you guys can start buying Candygrams. Just remember, if you leave one person out from your friend group, they will never forget. Never.

High: You’re buying her how many flowers? That’s putting the bar real high, don’t you think? Excessively high, one might say. You’re just friends? OK.

Elementary: Of course you can sit with your valentine today. It’s no problem.

Middle: You asked him to be your valentine? You guys have never spoken.

High: I know you’re in love (pained laugh). And the love is beautiful, but it’s so, so gross. And to everyone else, it looks like a hostage situation. Please, please stop. For the love of God.

It’s the weird behavior toward the student teacher for me.

Which quote was your favorite? Let us know in the comments!

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Teachers on Valentine's Day are put through the ringer, and TikTok teacher @educatorandrea nails the experience.