Experienced teachers know that a good classroom is more about a back-and-forth, give-and-take model rather than just “teacher talks, students listen.” Students are most successful when teachers are constantly assessing their progress and adjusting instruction. Exit tickets are one terrific way to get immediate feedback on the lesson at hand. They work in every classroom at every level, and in virtual classrooms too. Here are some of our favorite ways to put them into practice.

1. Ask “What Stuck With You Today?”

Exit Tickets: What stuck with you today?

Find out what made the most impact with one simple question. Sticky notes are fantastic for exit tickets; just have each student post theirs to the board on their way out the door.

Learn more: Teach From the Heart

2. Pose a Lunch Question

Exit tickets: whiteboard with "lunch question" that says 3+6+1=?

In elementary classrooms, there’s no need to wait until the end of the day. Try using exit tickets before lunch or recess. Kids too young to write? Have them tell you their answer on their way out the door.

Learn more: Fresh & Fun First Grade

3. Have them “Tweet” it

Exit Tickets board with twitter bird and #exittweets

This cute “Twitter” board is sure to appeal to young social media fans. Laminate the cards so they can be reused each day.


Learn more: Texas Teaching Fanatic

4. Gauge understanding with emojis

Exit ticket with emojis, circle the emojis that reflect how you got on today in the lesson. Explain your reasons why...

Here’s another way to help today’s kids connect and share their progress. Have them circle an emoji on this free printable and explain why it reflects their understanding.

Learn more: UKEDResources

5. Record a Flipgrid video

Flipgrid video screen

Flipgrid is a totally free online tool for schools, where kids record video answers to a question posted by their teacher. This is such a cool exit ticket idea for virtual classrooms, though it works in face-to-face classrooms too.

Learn more: Flipgrid

6. Collect exit tickets on a traffic light

Exit Tickets on three colored circles resembling a traffic light.

Have students post their tickets on a traffic light to indicate whether they’re doing fine or struggling a bit. That way, you can focus on those who need more help first.

Learn more: Timeouts and Tootsie Rolls

7. Give them a prompt

Exit slips with prompts and blank lines to write an answer.

Sometimes exit tickets are very specific, but other times you just want to know what their general reaction was to the class that day. We like this simple option that offers a few prompts to get them started.

Learn more: Classroom Freebies

8. Use the “Post It, Prove It” method

Exit tickets with math equations.

Here’s an example of a more specific exit question. Try to ask questions that have more than one right answer, so students don’t just copy each other’s responses.

Learn more: Smith Curriculum & Consulting

9. Let them teach others

Exit ticket with a prompt saying "my tip is:"

Kids often surprise us by looking at things in entirely different ways, but still getting the correct answers. Their thoughts on a subject may give you ideas for helping other students who need a bit more instruction.

Learn more: Ciera Harris Teaching

10. Take a poll

Online Exit Tickets

Online polls make terrific exit tickets. Poll Everywhere is free to use, and kids can text their answers. Fun!

Learn more: Smore

11. Encourage self-reflection

Exit ticket with blank space to answer prompts of name, one thing I did well today, one thing I still need to practice.

Valuable as they are to teachers, exit tickets are also important for helping students self-assess. This version lets them reflect on their strengths and areas for improvement.

Learn more: Primarily Speaking

12. Tell two facts and a fib

exit ticket saying "2 facts and a fib" with space to answer the prompt.

We love this interactive ticket idea! Kids write down two facts about today’s subject, and one fib. Trade with another student to see if they can guess the incorrect fact before turning them in.

Learn more: The Owl Teacher

13. Try them in any class

Exit Tickets in French.

Oui, oui, les “billets de sortie” work in French class, or Chemistry, or Art History … every teacher should try them.

Learn more: For French Immersion

14. Keep an Exit Ticket Journal

Exit Tickets filled journal.

Give exit tickets a bit more substance by having students keep them in a journal. This gives them a nice record of learning and can help when it comes time to review for tests or write a paper.

Learn more: The Secondary English Coffee Shop

15. Post exit tickets on Padlet

Exit tickets on server Padlet.

Think of Padlet as an online bulletin board. Teachers post a question or topic, and kids add their answers. See our review of Padlet here, then give it a try.

Learn more: Padlet

16. Print exit tickets on sticky notes

Exit tickets on colored sticky notes.

Did you know you can easily print on sticky notes? This game changer means you can easily customize exit tickets for any topic.

Learn more: The Stellar Teacher Company

17. Write a 3, 2, 1 list

Exit Tickets with prompts to answer.

The 3, 2, 1 method allows kids to self-assess, but it also lets them indicate a deeper level of interest in the topic at hand.

Learn more: School Specialty

18. Make it a mini-assessment

Exit Ticket with blank space for a prompt.

You’ll have to prep these in advance, but an assessment exit ticket is sort of like a no-stress quiz. Kids simply do their best, without worrying about grades, and you get a better feel for their progress.

Learn more: Young Teacher Love

19. Fill up a shopping cart

exit ticket with "grocery list" and space to write an answer.

Here’s a chance to really see what their takeaways were from a lesson. This will let you see if your learning objectives are coming through as they should.

Learn more: The Owl Teacher

20. Collect answers on Google Forms

Exit Tickets on google forms.

Teaching online, or looking to save paper? Collect your tickets using Google Forms instead. This is especially useful if you’re already using Google Classroom.

Learn more: Jenna Copper

21. Take time to analyze exit tickets

Exit slip analysis with skills and standards.

Make sure your exit tickets are worth the effort. Spend a little time at the end of each class or day looking over student responses, and make notes about any needs they indicate.

Learn more: Teaching With Jennifer Findley

Exit tickets are just one type of formative assessment. Check out 15 Ways to Know When Your Students Aren’t Getting It: A Guide to Formative Assessment.

Plus, 12 Super Creative Curriculum Review Ideas and Games.

21 Ways to Use Exit Tickets in Every Kind of Classroom (Including Online)